The core concept of Sanathan Dharma that is still relevant in today’s day and age

It is not correct to call the Sanathan Dharma a “religion”.

Unlike traditional “religions” and even the “religion” practiced by the “Hindus“, the actual essence of the Sanathan Dharma is that there is no dogma, single supreme scripture, rituals, pilgrimages, sacrifices or only one single and ultimate path to Brahman.

The actual essence of the Sanathan Dharma is philosophy.

The meaning of the word philosophy is “Love of Wisdom”.

Like philosophy, the true version of the Sanathan Dharma is to pursue Truth and to question and try to answer the most fundamental matters of self, existence, knowledge, reason, liberation and other basic philosophical concepts.

The Mahakavya (Grand Pronouncement) of the Vedanta school of the Sanathan Dharma is:

That is the Truth, That is the Self, Brahman is You

This is very different from the Abrahamic Religions, which are based not on a pursuit of truth, but a pursuit of the dogma of a “chosen” people who revere a messiah or prophet who is the only source of access to their one and true God.

The Mahakavya of the Sanathan Dharma would be considered blasphemy punishable by death according to the dogma of the Abrahamic Religions.

In fact before the advent of the Abrahamic Religions to the Western World and even to the Middle East, the Greek and Roman traditions and even the traditions of the Middle East were all derived out of the Sanathan Dharma.

The maxim “Know Thyself” was carved on the walls of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

The maxim “Know Thyself” is derived out of the Vedantic Truth:
Who is your real and true self?

Who are you really after you remove the Ego of “I”, “Me” and “Mine”?

Once you remove Ego, who you really are is Brahman.

Sanathan means Eternal.

There is no correct English translation of the world Dharma.

So the Sanathan Dharma actually means the Eternal Dharma.

It is eternal. It always existed right from the beginning of creation.

It is the only way of the pursuit of Truth.

The Sanathan Dharma is the most complex and diverse of philosophies.

There are 6 schools of philosophy in the Sanathan Dharma:
·         Nyaya
·         Vaisheshika
·         Sankhya
·         Yoga
·         Mimamsa
·         Vedanta

It is impossible for any human being to learn all paths of the Sanathan Dharma in a single life time.
The Sanathan Dharma is the only philosophy applicable to better wellbeing — it believes in the unity of not just humanity but the whole world with the divine.

It is an extremely unifying and subtle philosophy a better understanding of which can be achieved by trying to realise Brahman.

Anyone can achieve ब्रह्मन् Brahman through the practice of योग Yoga, ध्यान Dhyan, SEVA and the sincere adherence to धर्म Dharma.

धर्म Dharma is automatically adhered to when one practices योग Yoga and ध्यान Dhyan.

One cannot exist without the other.

But समत्वम् Samathvam can only come from practice of ध्यान Dhyan.

समत्वम् Samathvam and ध्यान Dhyan together lead to Moksha or union with ब्रह्मन् Brahman.

Once one attains Moksha, their Atma becomes ब्रह्मन् Brahman.
And only peace remains.
For more read The Sanathan Dharma


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